Bootstrap Classes



1.     Adds a background color to the table row.

2.     Adds a background color to the active link in a default navbar.

3.     Adds a blue background color to the active list item in a list group.

4.     Adds a background color to simulate a "pressed" button.

5.     Adds a background color to the active pagination link (to highlight the current page).

It used in different categories i.e. Table , Navbar, List Group , Buttons, Pagination e.t.c.


                   Use to create a basic button (gray background and rounded corners).


                   Use to create default button. White background and grey border.


                   Use to create Groups buttons together on a single line.


          Use to makes a group of buttons span the entire width of the screen.


                   Use to create container for checkboxes.


                   Use to makes multiple checkboxes appear on the same line.


Creates a toggle able menu that allows the user to choose one value from a predefined list.


                   Used to add headers inside the dropdown menu.


Adds the default styles for the dropdown menu container.



                   Used on the button that should hide and show (toggle) the dropdown menu.


Container for embedded content. Makes videos or slideshows scale properly on any device.


Used on input, text area, and select elements to span the entire width of the page and make them responsive.


                   Container for form input and label.


                   Makes a form left-aligned with inline-block controls.


                   Aligns labels and groups of form controls in a horizontal layout.


Creates an icon. Bootstrap provides 260 free glyphicons from the Glyphicons Halflings set.


                   Used in the navbar to create a hamburger menu (three horizontal bars).


Unicode icon (arrow pointing right), used in carousels. This is often replaced with a glyphicon.


Unicode icon (arrow pointing left), used in carousels. This is often replaced with a glyphicon.


Container to enhance an input by adding an icon, text or a button in front or behind it as a "help text".

            .nav .navbar-nav:

Used on a <ul> container that contains the list items with links inside a navigation bar.


                   Creates a navigation bar.


Added to a link or a header element inside the navbar to represent a logo or a header.


Creates a pagination (Useful when you have a web site with lots of pages. used on <ul> elements).


                   Creates a progress bar.


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